Live Better

Discover the root cause of your health struggle.
Gain insight with a deep dive into your DNA.


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Discover the root cause of your health struggle with insights from your genetic blueprint, gut health and your personal story.

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Take the first step into the personalized plan to increase health span and prevent, reverse, delay and manage weight, pain or chronic disease.


Transform with small achievable goals in nutrition, lifestyle and targeted supplements to sustainable change.


Welcome to Winter Oak Wellness, where Christina LaFleur RDN invites you on an empowering journey towards reclaiming your health.

Ready for a healthier life? Discover the root cause so you can take control of your health, weight and brain. Gain insight into the vital role your cells play in keeping you healthy.

Information from your genetic blueprint is where the insight happens. This is how you find out if your body struggles with detoxing, inflammation or methylation? With that insight then personalized plans are tailored to include food and lifestyle choices.

Your cells, brain, and gut are all connected. As you journey through this process you will discover how to improve function of your cells so your daily health improves.

Wellness = your genetics + your daily choices. Learn your genetics and the choices so you can seize control of your health—every day with every decision.

Genetic Blueprint

Getting started is easy. You get a saliva swab test kit shipping included to return it to the lab. You’ll receive your results in 3-4 weeks.

As a trained practitioner I navigate the complexities of your genetic blueprint and provide you with an actionable plan.

Watercolor Wellness

Where Creativity Meets cognitive Health.

Find Out

How you can take control of your health and begin your journey to wellness today.

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