
Welcome to Winter Oak Wellness, a place where transformation begins.

I’m Christina LaFleur, your guide to a life filled with health, happiness, and connection.

My Mission

I’m on a mission to help you unlock your full potential for health and wellness. I’ve witnessed the toll of chronic illness and suffering, and I refuse to accept it as the norm. It’s time to reclaim your health and happiness.
Imagine a life where you not only survive but thrive.

My Method

Here’s the secret: Your path to wellness begins with understanding your unique genetic blueprint. Your genes don’t define you; they merely offer insights. Your daily choices hold the key to your well-being.
Our modern lifestyle often strays from our natural design, causing physical and mental ailments. While we can’t live forever, we can live fully when we are well.

My Journey with My Genetic Blueprint

Discovering my genetic blueprint has been a transformative experience. One of the most crucial insights I gained was understanding why I’ve felt exhausted my entire life—I don’t resolve inflammation efficiently. This revelation has empowered me to take proactive steps to improve my health and well-being.
Another significant finding was learning that I carry the APOE4 gene, which is linked to cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. Initially, this news was overwhelming, but it motivated me to delve deep into understanding how to prevent cognitive decline.
Through extensive research and training in ReCODE over the past year, I’ve learned that there is so much we can do through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplements to safeguard our cognitive health. Prevention truly is more manageable than reversal, and I’m committed to sharing this knowledge to help others on their journeys.

My Training

Registered Dietitian (RDN and LD): Food and nutrition expert with experience as a clinical dietitian
Certificate and training in Integrative and Functional Nutrition
3×4 Certified Genetic Blueprint Practitioner
ReCODE 2.0 Trained Practitioner in the prevention and management of Alzheimer’s

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